Thursday, January 1, 2009

5 Best Brotherhood Friendships in TV

Getting back into the swing of things is a list of the aforementioned subject. By the way, there will be spoilers, so you have been warned (though if you automatically go to wikipedia after just getting into a tv show because of your damn curiosity, I guess I'm making the trip a little shorter).

1. Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo in Rome- They're number one on the list just because of how much shit they've been through, and how it could have gone so possibly wrong after the first episode, but it never does. Last thing's first, it starts out like some kind of weird buddy cop relationship set in the Roman period: Vorenus is a high ranking soldier while Pullo is a fuck-up drunk who only cares about killing people and fucking women and the two of them are paired to find Caesar's missing Golden Eagle (with crazy hijinks to ensue (well, more bloody than crazy, but still)). But it becomes so much more than that after it gets through the relationship's growing pains (Pullo keeps getting into trouble and it's up to Vorenus to fix it), when Pullo finds out about Vorenus's wife's infidelity and kills the guy in secret out of respect for his friend (It's Rome, a much simpler time. Also bloodier and more boobs (I just lost everyone because they went to Blockbuster to rent it now, didn't I?)) Then when Pullo becomes an assassin for hire and gets caught and put to death in the arena, Vorenus saves him from a giant out of love and brotherhood for his friend. And that's about half of it. They've each tried to kill each other at least once, and debated leaving the other for dead, and yet they still come back to each other. If this was on a network (read "lack of boobs and coitus"), the audience would have half a mind that they were gay for each other. It's a shame the series only lasted two seasons (HBO seasons, mind, which practically makes it one network season, except with the blood and boobs) because in a show that was mostly a political drama set in the Roman era, Vorenus and Pullo was the human face of it.

2. Angel and Wesley Windham-Price in Angel- Like the former, it started out with a jokey premise, except this time with actual jokes. Wesley was the clumsy dude, while Angel was the badass straight man making Wesley looking even more foolish. It wasn't bad, but it wouldn't be this high on the list if that was the only thing to their relationship. As the series progressed (brogressed?) Wesley started becoming more of a right hand man, not only helping with the research but the fighting as well. But even that wouldn't make it that high on his list. No what makes them on this is list is that Wesley stole Angel's kid, which resulted in Angel trying to kill him on his hospital bed, only for Wesley to save him after said kid left him at the bottom of an ocean. That's devotion right there.

3. Colonel Saul Tigh and Admiral William Adama in Battlestar Galactica- It was hard deciding #2 and #3, but after a few hours (ok, seconds) of deliberating within myself, baby snatching and almost killing> thinking your friend is human only to find out he's/it's a Cylon. If it was baby snatching or almost killing, this would have been #2 hands down, but since it's both, here it is. Like the Roman pair, these guys got the war buddy thing going on along with drinking buddy, that is when Tigh feels like drinking with people. Dude's the Lucille Bluth of the Galactica. And like the previous two, they've fought each other, once over a woman (though to be fair, one of them was drunk. I think you're smart enough to guess who) then shared a laugh about 30 seconds afterwards. Then again, when you're one of the last survivors of the human race, you can't really disown your friends unless you're a really antisocial fuck (who writes blogs that barely anyone reads- what?)

4. Ted Mosby and Marshall Ericksen in How I Met Your Mother- It started the first day of college when they were roomates. Marshall was stoned and thought that the pretentious Ted (who wore glasses because it made him "smarter") was the Dean for the first week. Ted was there for Marshall and his girlfriend (later fiance and even later wife) Lily's firsts: first time they met, first time they kissed, first time....other stuff (it's simple physics, if the top bunk moves, the bottom bunk moves also). They've never really fought, except for the time where they fought for the stuff in the apartment using swords on the walls. But that doesn't count because they kept commentating on how awesome it was (you know you wanted to also). Barney would be here, but he's done some....questionable acts (and Ted's ex) that disqualify him.

5. Sam, Sock, and Benji in Reaper- Life kinda blows when you're a grim reaper for the devil and there's no way to get out of it because your parents sold your soul to him in exchange for his father's health (that sentence came out well). But Sock and Benji make it bearable. Sock being the lovable screw up while Benji keeps Sam and Sock in line (I swear to God, I almost typed "it real." And for those who haven't seen the show, Benji's the Hispanic one). Even though it's Sam's job and could very well kill him (a fact that Sam states), Benji and Sock continue to help Sam in his job of capturing escaped souls. That's friendship right there.

Honorable Mention: Sam and Dean Winchester in Supernatural- I better pair of brothers on TV is a rare find, and they should have a spot on this list.....Except, they actually are brothers which disqualifies them just a bit.